
Ad campaigns that really fly

Online search and booking has won over the travel industry perhaps more than any other in the last decade. When we plan to go somewhere, first we go online to research dream vacations. As travelers search dozens of different trips in a variety of destinations, OTAs and other travel businesses need to identify their real needs and use online ads to convert browsing into bookings.

Trusted by leading travel brands

Delivering results for travel brands worldwide

At RTB House, our teams are built around industries, with dedicated experts who mix tested solutions with innovations in specific verticals. With the help of Deep Learning, we get straight to the heart of the matter, so that your ad campaigns can capture the hearts of customers.


active travel and booking campaigns


of site sales



Median stats for RTB House campaigns within the travel and booking industry


All industries play by different rules but they all have one thing in common: strong competition. In Travel, the online market is hotly contested. Gaining visibility from ad campaigns shouldn’t mean burning through budget. The best online businesses look at the return on ad spend, and effectiveness is the key metric.

Our best-in-class retargeting approach, underpinned by Deep Learning technology, is your plug-in innovation engine. It analyzes traveler intent in real time, allowing you to X-ray through the funnel to precisely locate a user, and then instantly tailor ads to them.


Deep Learning in travel. Rising to your challenge

Reach throughout the funnel

Analyze traveler intent in real time, precisely locate users in the funnel and display performance or branding ads tailored to their level of intent.

Make compelling recommendations

Once you’ve identified travelers who are ready to go, make recommendations of dream destinations that will lead to actual bookings.

Drive Results

Increase AOV and upsell by assessing when customers are ready for the next level of trip and which cross-sell services will be essential for them. Understanding buyer personas and individual needs leads to greater satisfactions and more repeat bookings.


Find out what’s relevant
for your industry

Our great-looking ads include a wide spectrum of best-in-class banner types specifically designed for a range of purposes. They speak directly to a traveler's needs wherever they are on their booking journey.


Inspiration from specific industries

Check out active RTB House ad campaigns that are super-charging results for businesses around the world.

Let's talk about creating
something exceptional
for your customers