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RTB House’s View on Bidding and Auction Services and the Recent Timeline Updates for FLEDGE Elements
Google has released an article announcing the availability of Bidding and Auction services in the web version of FLEDGE, as well as the status on pending FLEDGE capabilities. These two Google releases could have a major impact on the adoption of FLEDGE in the near future.
- Cookieless World
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What is Google’s Privacy Sandbox? The Ultimate Guide
It might have been delayed, but the end of third-party tracking cookies is coming at the beginning of 2025, and businesses can’t afford to keep pretending otherwise. The good news is that thanks to this delay, there is still a small window of opportunity for companies to prepare for the cookieless future by engaging with the Google Chrome Privacy Sandbox.
- Cookieless World
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Positive Feedback for FLEDGE, DOJ Sues Google, Dark Patterns Fight, IDFV Tracking
In this Media Review, we bring together 4 stories, including the positive reception for FLEDGE, the French privacy regulator fining a game developer for leveraging IDFV (Identifier For Vendors), and the European Center for Digital Rights unifying the “dark patterns” interpretation in terms of cookie consent pop-up windows.
- Cookieless World
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Five Simple Ways to Combat Ad Fatigue
Digital advertising comes with excellent conversion rates if done correctly. On the other hand, it is much easier to cross the line and annoy your audience. How? For example, by showing them your ads one too many times. This article will cover ad fatigue, its impact on your business, and how to avoid it.
- Digital Advertising
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RTB House Increases Role with Prebid.org as Technology Member
Warsaw, 1 February 2023 – RTB House, a company providing cutting-edge ad-buying solutions which use proprietary Deep Learning-powered technology, has increased the scope of its involvement with Prebid.org, becoming a Technology partner.
- Company News
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Why Should a Data-Driven Approach Be the Foundation of Your Marketing Strategy?
Whether it’s Google searches, site analytics, or device usage statistics, we collectively create 2.5 billion gigabytes of data every single day. By adopting a data-driven approach, companies can make better decisions, build deeper connections with their customers, and build better products.
However, the sheer volume of information can be disorientating, and it is easy to get lost in the noise. Fortunately, you’re not alone. In this article, we’ll be your guide to the world of data-driven strategies, and help you navigate your way through these deep waters.
- Digital Advertising